Muggle Studies

Understanding Digital Communications Through Fandoms

Once upon a time…

The main purpose of the Muggle Studies: Understanding New Media Communication through Fandoms course is to introduce you to digital communications through the context of pop-culture fan communities. Students will explore the basic concepts of communication in the new digital age, and develop skills in critical thinking, utilization of digital platforms, and formal writing practice in APA and AP Style. Through hands-on assignments, students will gain an in-depth understanding of the communication strategies used by fan communities and learn how to apply these strategies to their own communication practices.

  • • Develop an understanding of digital communication in the context of pop-culture fan communities.

    • Explore the basic concepts of communication in the new digital age to analyze and critique messages in all forms and across objectives from an informed, critical perspective.

    • Gain hands-on experience utilizing digital communication platforms while locating and critically evaluating secondary research, conducting original primary research, and integrating such information.

    • Develop critical thinking skills through the analysis of fan community communication strategies while building and delivering an effective oral argument or performance of text, based on thorough audience analysis and clear rhetorical objectives.

    • Practice formal writing in APA and AP Style.

  • Common Courtesy & Respect: This class will operate as a workplace, where common courtesy and respect will be always the rule of law. Due to the nature of some of our sample texts, discussions will no doubt include differing perspectives and potential for friendly debate. We encourage an environment of inclusivity, curiosity, and free exchange without judgment or hostility. Should you feel that that is not the case, and you are not being treated with that respect, at any time, I ask that you please reach out to me immediately. All students are expected to maintain professional decorum that aligns with our university code of conduct and aligns with our class expectations. Any actions that reflect against that code will be subject to disciplinary action.

    Online Access & Technology: Because this is an online course, students are required to have reliable Wi-Fi and a computer to access course content. If these requirements are a hardship, students are expected to contact me immediately for accommodations. Students will have access to “Module 0” which will provide training and guides on the course technology that can be leveraged. If there are concerns regarding accessibility or usage, please contact me.

    Communication: In email communication, you are expected to include all pertinent information, proper tone, and contact information to ensure a prompt and thorough response. To support online learning, you will also be given access to a private Slack workspace with channels segmented by module. This will provide an easy flow of communication with me while encouraging collaboration between you and your classmates. Generally, I will respond within 24 hours, sometimes earlier. I do not respond to messages outside of 9 am and 5 pm. If you send an email between Friday at 5 p.m. and Sunday evening, I may take longer than 24 hours to respond. Should a message be marked URGENT, I will do my best to respond quickly.

    Attendance Policy & Late Assignments: Due to the nature of our class and the collaborative nature of fan culture, you are expected to be present during all online class discussions and roundtables unless excused in advance. You are expected to submit assignments by the listed due date and time with 10% deducted for each day the assignment is late. If you are excused from a submission deadline, work is expected to be submitted by the agreed-upon date or, if no date is provided, within 3 business days of the original due date.

    Exceptions: For both attendance and assignments, you are given three passes total where no explanation is required. Please flag this to me as you wish to use these passes. Should you be experiencing illness, symptoms, or other health-related concerns, please reach out via Slack or email as soon as you know you will not be present. If you are having difficulties completing assignments on time due to a technology issue, please reach out immediately and other accommodations for submission can be made. Simply put: if I don’t know there’s a problem, there’s nothing I can do to help.

  • • Gray, J. (2017). Fandom, Second Edition: Identities and Communities in a Mediated World. New York University Press.

    • Jenkins, H. (2016). Convergence culture: where old and new media collide. New York: New York University Press.

  • Bi-Weekly Assignments 20 points each

    Discussion Participation 10 points each

    Final Project 30 points

    You should have taken any feedback provided and revised all assignments for your final project submission.

“Quest” Assignments

Quest Assignments are dedicated to taking both the reading and discussion and combining them with your own critical thoughts about the media you’ve chosen to write about for your final project. You are encouraged to use digital media resources to design and present your information informally. Though appropriate citations are still required, you are able to present the rest of the information in an informal summary. This can be done through an informal paper, podcast, review-style editorial, video essay, or another pre-approved platform of your choice. The media can change throughout the semester, so you are encouraged to experiment with different styles to learn more about what each platform offers. For papers, please use APA citations. For news or press style, please use AP style.

  • In this class, you'll have an opportunity to explore one fandom and how it intersects with communication practice and theory. Select your media fandom and write a brief 1-2 paragraphs as to why you chose this piece of media. This will be the “why” of your research so use this as an opportunity to explore your topic. Examples include Naruto, Barbie, Lord of the Rings, The Last of Us, Wheel of Time, etc. Choose your fandom wisely, as you will not be able to change after submission. Consider all aspects and think critically about how this fandom in particular impacts the world around you. Is it a part of a larger cultural movement? Is there a larger genre that it has helped elevate? How does it penetrate society at large?

    Why it matters: Just as every social group has its own dynamics, so do fandoms. Studying fandoms give us a unique opportunity to see economics, social dynamics, and more at work in a "fishbowl."

  • For this assignment, you’re tasked with finding where your fandom exists in the world. Identify 3-4 major platforms or places where fans are communicating. Investigate and consider why these platforms are leveraged more than others. Log these in your “captain’s log.” Observe how fans are communicating and gauge things like:

    o Overall sentiment – is there an ebb and flow of sentiment if there’s a tv show as episodes are released? Are there expectations that aren’t met or exceeded?

    o Investment – What areas of investment are fans expected to have? Are there opportunities to invest instead of just engage - Financially, socially, textually, etc?

    o Ownership – Does the author/brand/media have a presence in the conversation? Are they engaging with their fan base?

    Why it matters: In communications, we're often tasked with identifying audiences, finding where they "live," and understanding how we can best communicate in those environments. This aligns with identifying things like brand voice, customer sentiment, and lifetime customer/client value.

  • As you’ve explored the world of the fandom, take the opportunity to note themes that the audience seems to cling to. Then revisit the text yourself. Take your time to take notes while watching/reading/experiencing. What are things or themes that stand out to you as an individual? Provide your notes organized in a document with 3-5 key takeaways that summarize your findings.

    Why it matters: Identifying the pillars of a brand or of a product are vital in building campaigns, building loyal audiences, and ensuring that your brand aligns with the vision of the company. This is a great exercise for building your muscles when it comes to brand identity above and beyond a logo and value statement.

  • Select a communication theory that aligns closely with your text and fandom. Write 2-3 pages using your fandom as the example for the theory leveraging both the text (movie, show, etc.), academic literature, and the “fan world” you’ve explored. Use APA in your writing and include at least 5 academic citations.

    Why it matters: In your day-to-day work as a communication professional, you will likely not cite theory. However, your ability to apply theory is what's important. This will influence how you think critically about media, build a brand plan, or combat a PR crisis.

  • This is your final obstacle, aka your final paper (see below). Item description

Due to the nature of the internet, the entirety of the class is not available online at this time. I am excited to be working on a way to provide it in the future but want to ensure I maintain some control over how it’s taught and when. If you’re interested in learning more, please send me a message below.